From an early age, Sam learned to keep his head down and stay humble.
He never let the bullies at his school get his spirits down.
But when his fortunes changes for the better, would he manage to keep his heart pure?
Sam spent his childhood making lemonade from lemons.
His father passed away when he was still a baby. Since then, he had helped his mom,
Susan, earn extra cash when he had time off from school. Sam and Susan lived in a trailer park because they couldn’t afford an apartment or a house.
Susan barely earned enough money to keep the lights on and pay for Sam’s school fees as she was autistic and struggled to find a steady job.
“We may not have much, but always be grateful for the little that we do have,” Susan would tell her son.
In class, Sam was constantly teased. Bullies at school often called him names like “bum” and “broke boy.”
One bully in particular, Jared, once told him, “People like you will always be stuck living in trailers.”
Sam never let the insults get him down, as his mother taught him that he must have thick skin to survive.
He still dreamed of someday owning a mansion for himself and his mother.
One day, their landlord, Tobey, came to collect the rent.
Tobey also worked as a real estate agent in the area and had posters all over town.
During Tobey’s visit, a massive storm hit town, and he tried to rush home, but his car wouldn’t start.
Why is this posted without the rest of the story.